Deputy Of The Orient
SGIG Primus T. James, 33°, Active
Primus T. James, the 5th Deputy of the Orient of Georgia, was born October 10, 1957 in Kingstree, South Carolina where he received his early education and graduated from Benedict College. He moved to Atlanta in 1981.
Primus became a Mason in 1980. He is a Past Master of W.C. Thomas Lodge #112 of Atlanta, Georgia and is often called upon to mentor or just lead support to the younger brothers. He is also a member of Ruth Chapter#102 Order of the Eastern Star. He is Past Commander in Chief of the Atlanta Consistory #24 and Past Venerable Commander. Primus received his 33° in Washington, D.C. October 1997. Primus joined Nabbar Temple in 1988 and served as Potentate in 2004. He is a charter member of the motor unit. Sovereign Grand Commander Deary Vaughn appointed Primus Overseer of the Works of Georgia in March 2006. On October 8, 2006 he was coroneted as Deputy of the Orient of Georgia. Some of his community activities include working with the Sickle Cell Foundation in Camp Hope Program, Atlanta Food Bank, Hands on Atlanta and Helping Hands Foundation. Primus has received numerous awards over the years to include: Primus is a member of Andrews Chapel United Methodist Church in Jonesboro, Georgia. He is a devoted family man and is married to Brenda B. James. They have two children and five grandchildren. Primus also serves as the Grand Master for the state of Georgia.